[Jayhawk-Chapter] Draft agenda and February minutes for March chapter meeting

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Sat Mar 7 17:56:20 UTC 2020

Greetings all,


Attached are the minutes from February and the proposed agenda for our
meeting this coming Monday at 4pm at Conroy's. Please try to arrive on time
so we can finish well before 6pm when a dart club will be coming in to meet
in the room Tom has assigned to us. Remember also to bring $5 for your entry
into the 2020 Accessible NCAA basketball tournament pool. Things are looking
good for our Jayhawk boys this year, and I hope this will be reflected in
our fundraiser. Meanwhile, enjoy this gorgeous weekend, and I'll see you at
the meeting.


Best regards,

Rob Tabor | president Jayhawk chapter National Federation of the Blind of

(785) 865-9959

Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net

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