[Jayhawk-Chapter] Reminder and info packet for Jayhawk chapter meeting - 5/11/2020 4:00 pm

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Sun May 10 17:22:06 UTC 2020

Greetings, Kansas Federation family,


You are all invited to join us for our May Jayhawk chapter meeting tomorrow
at 4:00 pm via the Kansas affiliate teleconferencing system. To dial into
the meeting

(1)    Dial (916) 235-1420

(2)    At the prompt enter participation code 879925#

(3)    Dial "blind" when prompted to enter a special code.

(4)    A draft agenda and minutes of the April meeting are attached. I look
forward to connecting with everyone on the call.

Best regards,


Rob Tabor | president National Federation of the Blind of Kansas

(785) 865-9959

Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net

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