[Jayhawk-Chapter] Kansas blind parents rights ill (SB-276)

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 28 14:36:56 UTC 2021

Happy new year to all Kansas Federation family and friends,

On January 10, 2022, the second session of the current Kansas state legislature will officially convene. The NFBK leader ship team believes this will be an excellent year to finally bring the model blind parents rights bill into fruition. The bill was dropped in January of this year and is currently pending before the Senate public health and welfare committee. So now is the time to get our ducks in a row so that we can hit the ground running with full force to start the momentum we need for passage by the legislature and to get the bill to the governors desk for signature. To get the ball rolling, I am including the names and email addresses of the members of the committee which appears below my close/signature block.

When you write to a senator on the committee you might say something like this:

“ my name is _____, and I am a Kansas resident who has family and friends in your district. For far too long blind persons in Kansas and elsewhere have been denied the opportunity to raise and care for a child based on outdated and miss proven stereotypes about the capabilities of blind people. Therefore, I urge you to do everything in your power to convene a hearing on SB 276, to get the bill passed in committee and moved onto the floor of the Senate.“

If you are a constituent of a senator on the committee I advise you by all means to mention this. If you are a blind parent I would mention this as well. Last but not least, it would be much appreciated if you would send me a courtesy copy of the letter that you send to the committee members. My email address is included in my signature block. Meanwhile, enjoy this holiday week and happy writing.

Best regards,
Rob Tabor | first vice president/legislative Director national Federation of the blind of Kansas
(785) 865-9959
Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net

Kansas State legislature
Senate Public health and welfare committee

Office Lastname Firstname Email Hmemail Chair Vicechair
Molly.Baumgardner at senate.ks.gov
molly at molly4kansas.com 
Senator Erickson Renee 
Renee.Erickson at senate.ks.gov
ericksonforkansas at gmail.com 
Senator Gossage Beverly Beverly.Gossage at senate.ks.gov Yes
Richard Richard.Hilderbrand at senate.ks.gov Yes 
Senator Holscher Cindy 
Cindy.Holscher at senate.ks.gov
cindyforkansas at gmail.com 
Senator O'Shea Kristen 
Kristen.OShea at senate.ks.gov
kristen at osheaforkansas.com 
Senator Pettey Pat 
Pat.Pettey at senate.ks.gov
jmphp42 at yahoo.com 
Senator Steffen Mark 
Mark.Steffen at senate.ks.gov
steffenmd at hotmail.com 
Senator Thompson Mike Mike.Thompson at senate.ks.gov

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