[Jayhawk-Chapter] Jayhawk chapter social event, 6/12/2021 1:00 PM, save the date

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jun 4 23:37:51 UTC 2021

We have a reservation for our summer social. Weather permitting we will be dining in the outdoor patio area of law Tropicana, located at 434 Locust St. in North Lawrence. To help restaurant staff assure adequate seating, you are requested to send your RSVP to Renee before the end of the day on Thursday, June 10. Failure to do so I will not bother you from coming, but it will help us do a good courtesy to the restaurant staff.

You may send your RSVP to Renee by email at arm morgan at willowdvcenter.org or by text at 785-424-4734. Be sure to tell Renee how many people are in your party. Meanwhile, enjoy your summer weekend and I look forward to seeing you all at la Trop.

Best regards,
Rob Tabor | president Jayhawk chapter national Federation of the blind of Kansas
(785) 865-9959
Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net

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