[Jayhawk-Chapter] Jayhawk Chapter meeting reminder and January minutes

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Mon Feb 14 14:19:30 UTC 2022

Good morning Jayhawk Federation family and friends,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Super Bowl weekend and your Valentine’s Day is getting off to a great start. Below are the minutes from the January meeting which will be convened today at 4:00 PM via our teleconference line. to join the meeting Dial
• (916) 2351420
• The conference participation code 879925#
• The digits for me the word “Blind” (25463) on your Teletouch pad.

Make it a happy Valentine’s Day and I look forward to connecting with you at 4:00 PM.

Best regards,
Rob Tabor | immediate past president Jayhawk Chapter National Federation of the Blind of Kansas
(785) 865-9959
Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net

Jayhawk chapter national Federation of the blind of Kansas

Minutes for meeting of January 10, 2022

Members present: Renee Morgan president, Cheryl Miller vice president, Brendy Latare treasurer, Susan Tabor, Rob Tabor

The president called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM. The minutes of October 2021, previously distributed via email, were considered. There being no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved by the president as distributed.

Treasurers report. Brendy presented the treasures report which showed an ending balance as of December 31, 2021 of $911.82. Brendy further noted that per capita dues for our members have yet to be remitted to the state affiliate treasury. There being no additions or corrections, the president approved the financial report as read.

Presidential release. Rob presented the written transcript of presidential release number 512. Susan then volunteered to present presidential release 513 in February.

State affiliate report. Washington Seminar. Rob stated that the 2022 Washington seminar will be conducted as a hybrid event with a limited number of delegates participating in person in Washington DC. We will meet with the Kansas congressional delegation on four issues/bills. These include the access technology af for ability act, The medical device non-visual accessibility act, the 21st century websites and mobile Applications accessibility Act, and the transformation to integrated Competitive employment (TCIEA) act. A pre-seminar training will be scheduled to take place approximately one week before the Washington seminar.

State legislative advocacy, blind parents Wrightsville (SV 276) The bill is pending for action in the Senate public health and welfare committee. The 2022 session of the Kansas state legislature will commence on January 10 at 2:00 PM. Rob advises us to look for email blasts on our HOTR Listserv informing us as to how to contact the Senate committee to call for a hearing on the bill.

Ken Tiede Memorial scholarships. During the meeting of the state board on January 9, the board voted to restructure the scholarship awards program by reducing the number of awards from 3 awards ranging from $1500-$2500 to 2 awards at $2500 apiece.

Chapter fundraising. Rob stated that two of the previous fundraising projects are no longer viable options. The trivia night fundraiser previously held at Conroy‘s Irish pub is no longer available to us as Tom Conroy has retired and sold the business. The NCAA men’s basketball tournament fundraising pool is no longer viable dude to the discontinuance by Terrell Thompson of his accessible tournament pool website. Rob noted that the south-central chapter has had good success with restaurant give back fundraising events, which are now generally in a Vance due to ongoing concerns about Covid outbreaks. A suggestion was made of an online talent contest fundraiser which has been successfully conducted by both the DC chapter and the keystone chapter in the Philadelphia metro area. Reaction to this idea was quite favorable. We will continue to dialogue further as to these fundraising possibilities.

New business. Renee reports that she is still in the process of recruiting an interim secretary for the chapter. Rob volunteered to serve as moderator for the Jayhawk chapter listserv, And Renee appointed Rob for this function.

Adjournment. Having no further business, the president adjourned the meeting at 4:55 PM.

Respectfully submitted
Rob Tabor acting secretary

Next meeting February 14, 2022, location TBA
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