[Jayhawk-Chapter] Fwd: parent’s rights bill, SB 276Good morning Kansas Federation family,  good morning Kansas Federation family, thanks too your persistent advocacy we appear to be getting the attention of the Senate public health and welfare committee on the bill. Some of our members have apparently been under the impression that the bill has been or soon will be scheduled for hearing. However, Sharon Luka received an email from committee chairman Hilderbrand stating in essence that the bill is under consideration. This does not necessarily mean that there will be a hearing on the bill. I suspect that chairman Hilderbrand is taking a poll of his colleagues on the committee to see how they will vote, and if there are at least five yes votes that will obviate the need of a committee hearing. If this is the case, this is good news for us as it will mean that the bill will move to the full Senate for action.  In the event that Hilderbrand decides to convene a hearing, we will need to move quickly in getting our ducks in a row. In other words, we will need to take some decisions as to who will testify on the bill, who will be available to come to Topeka, who will participate remotely, etc. Please check your inboxes regularly for notification on this rapidly developing situation. Meanwhile enjoy your day and week, and thank you for your vigorous and robust advocacy .  please check your inboxes regularly for notification on this rapidly developing situation. Meanwhile enjoy your day and week.  Best regards, Rob Tabor | first vice president/advocacy and policy Director national Federation of the blind of Kansas (785) 865-9959 Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 20 15:27:12 UTC 2022

Begin forwarded message:

> From: pilgrim5 at cox.net
> Date: January 20, 2022 at 9:06:19 AM CST
> To: Rob Tabor <rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net>
> Subject: FW: parent's rights bill, SB 276
> From: Richard Hilderbrand <Richard.Hilderbrand at senate.ks.gov> 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2022 8:38 AM
> To: pilgrim5 at cox.net
> Subject: RE: parent's rights bill, SB 276
> Sharon,
> Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will look at the bill and see if it is a bill that we will have a hearing on.
> Richard Hilderbrand
> District 13, Kansas State Senator
> Richard.Hilderbrand at senate.ks.gov
> (785) 296-7370
> From: pilgrim5 at cox.net <pilgrim5 at cox.net> 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 3:50 PM
> To: Molly Baumgardner <Molly.Baumgardner at senate.ks.gov>; Renee Erickson <Renee.Erickson at senate.ks.gov>; Beverly Gossage <Beverly.Gossage at senate.ks.gov>; Richard Hilderbrand <Richard.Hilderbrand at senate.ks.gov>; Cindy Holscher <Cindy.Holscher at senate.ks.gov>; Kristen O'Shea <Kristen.OShea at senate.ks.gov>; Pat Pettey <Pat.Pettey at senate.ks.gov>; Mark Steffen <Mark.Steffen at senate.ks.gov>; Mike Thompson <Mike.Thompson at senate.ks.gov>
> Subject: parent's rights bill, SB 276
> EXTERNAL: This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click any links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.
> Dear Senator:
> My name is Sharon Luka, and I am a Kansas resident with family and friends in your district.
> For much too long blind persons in Kansas and elsewhere have been denied the opportunity to raise and care for a child based solely on outdated and disproven stereotypes about the capabilities of blind people.
> Therefore, I urge you to do everything possible to assemble a hearing on SB 276, to get the bill passed in committee and moved onto the Senate floor.
> Sincerely,
> Sharon Luka
> Member,
> National Federation of the Blind of Kansas
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