[Jayhawk-Chapter] Victory in the KS Senate but with a twist

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Fri Mar 22 02:45:08 UTC 2024

Good evening Kansas Federation advocates,

As expected,  the Blind Information Access ACT (BIAA, SB  284), passed the senate but with an amendment in the form of House Bill 2176, which pertains to 2 community libraries in Cowley County. The amendment would have been non-dontrovertial but for another  amendment pertaining to how the board of trustees is chosen for these libraries.

So what does all this mean? The bundled legislative package now moves to the House which will decide whether to accept HB 2176 as amended, or to nonconcur,  which will necessitate the appointment of a House-Senate conference committee which will attempt to reconcile differences. In view of the controversy that arose in the Senate chamber, I predict that a conference committee is a near certainty.

All we can do at this point is to stand by until we see what unfolds. As always, I will keep you apprised as developments warrant. In the meantime, thanks for your fervent advocacy.

Best regards,
Rob Tabor | first vice president National Federation of the Blind of Kansas
Ph: (785) 865-9959
rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net

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