[Jayhawk-Chapter] Kansas State legislative update

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 27 02:29:30 UTC 2024

Good evening, Kansas Federation colleagues,

As expected, the Newsline sponsorship bill (Senate substitute for house bill to 176) Will be considered by a house:Senate conference committee. The house members are rep, Brian Bergkamp, rep, Adam Smith, and her rep Tom Sawyer. senate members of the conference committee are Virgil Peck, KarenTyson, and Tom Holland. State president Tom Page and I have written to the members of the conference committee, urging them to keep the original language of Senate bill 284 intact and to avoid any controversial positions in the underlying Bill that could cause it not to pass in either body. Rest assured, I will keep you updated as we continue to monitor developments in the state legislature.

Best regards,
Rob Tabor | first vice president / legislative Director national Federation of the blind of Kansas
PH: left her in 785) 865-9959
 Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net

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