[Jayhawk-Chapter] Request for legislative advocacy on Senate substitute for Houseville 2176

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Thu Mar 28 02:35:58 UTC 2024

Good evening Federation colleagues and cohorts, we we are informed that the house, Senate conference committee is unlikely to meet this week. This means that we have time to contact the members of the committee to urge them to preserve the language and content of original Senate bill, 284 and to make their best effort to avoid any controversy and the underlying bill that would prevent the bill from passing through the legislature.  Since we are not submitting official testimony to a standard committee, we will not need to present a PDF document file or comply with other technical requirements as we did, when we testified before the Senate utilities committee. However, we still need to remember to make it known that we are residents of Kansas, which we may do by listing our address, or listing the city or county in which we live.

Now, here are the names and email addresses of the members of the conference committee.

Rep. Brian Bergkamp brian.bergkamp at house.ks.gov
Rep. Adamsmith, adam.smith at house.ks.gov
Rep Tom Sawyer tom.sawyer at house.ks.gov
Sen. Virgil Peck virgil.peck at senate.ks.gov
Sen. Karen Tyson, karen.tyson at senate.ks.gov
Sen. Tom Holland tom.holland at senate.ca.gov

And your communications to the members of the committee, make sure to clearly state why Newsline is important to you. Below my signature block, you will find some suggested language to use if you so wish. Your subject line should say Senate substitute for Houseville 2176. In the meantime, happy riding, and thanks for all you do for this awesome and powerful movement of the organized blind.

Best regards,
Rob Tabor | first vice president/legislative Director national Federation of the line of Kansas
PH: (785) 865-9959
Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net

dear representative/senator (last name),
first, thank you for serving as a member of the conference committee regarding the above reference bill. as you deliver it with your colleagues on the committee, I urge you to preserve all of the language that was imported from Senate bill 284, a bill, which will provide permanent stable funding for NFB Newsline®, an audio informational service on which I rely to left friend state how you use it. (

My second request is to ask you to do everything possible to avoid any controversial language in the underlying Bill that would cause it not to pass in either of the house or the Senate. Please understand that many blind and print disabled cannons would be quite disappointed if NFB Newsline® had to go away due to lack of funding.

Thank you for your consideration of this important matter and thank you again for serving on the conference committee.
(your name),(city or county), Kansas 

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