[Job-Discussions] resume questions

madisonmartin463 at gmail.com madisonmartin463 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 3 19:04:18 UTC 2021

Hi all,
I hope this is okay to post hear, sorry if it isn't. I'm working on updating my
resume and have a few questions. When I was in high school I did 4 different
work placements, 2 as part of a career development class and 2 just arranged
through the school. These were not paid placements, but when I created my resume
during this career development class I put them under work experience, should I
leave them there or put them under volunteer experience heading? Also, would  6
referances be enough? If not, then any ideas of who else I could ask? So far I
have my bosses from 3 of my work placements, my former high school EA, my former
restbite worker who's also a friend, and one of my former high school teachers
who's also a friend. I look forward to any thoughts/suggestions/feedback/help
anyone can provide me, it will be grately appreciated!!!!!! Thanks

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