[Job-Discussions] resume questions

Jennifer Wenzel jwenzel at beyondvision.com
Wed Mar 3 19:35:21 UTC 2021

I would suggest you title a section volunteer/internship experiences and put your work experiences there. These can be important experiences, especially if you have not had a lot of other paid experiences. You do not need to include references on your resume. Most people do not. You can put something at the end about references furnished upon request. When you do provide a reference list, 3 or 4 are plenty. Try to use previous supervisors or coworkers. If using a friend, make it someone you may have worked for or done something responsible for such as housesitting, childcare, etc. That makes it easy for the friend to speak to your work ethic. Hope that helps.

Jennifer Wenzel
Talent acquisition coordinator,, Beyond Vision

P: (414) 335-3762 
F: (262) 439-5865

jwenzel at beyondvision.com


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From: Job-Discussions <job-discussions-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Madison Martin via Job-Discussions
Sent: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 1:04 PM
To: job-discussions at nfbnet.org
Cc: madisonmartin463 at gmail.com
Subject: [Job-Discussions] resume questions

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Hi all,
I hope this is okay to post hear, sorry if it isn't. I'm working on updating my resume and have a few questions. When I was in high school I did 4 different work placements, 2 as part of a career development class and 2 just arranged through the school. These were not paid placements, but when I created my resume during this career development class I put them under work experience, should I leave them there or put them under volunteer experience heading? Also, would  6 referances be enough? If not, then any ideas of who else I could ask? So far I have my bosses from 3 of my work placements, my former high school EA, my former restbite worker who's also a friend, and one of my former high school teachers who's also a friend. I look forward to any thoughts/suggestions/feedback/help
anyone can provide me, it will be grately appreciated!!!!!! Thanks Madison

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