[Job-Discussions] Too Late to Register for Career Fair

Richard Davis dickblind at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 18:22:46 UTC 2022

Dear Job Seekers,

For some reason, it is still possible for people to register for the career
fair, even though registration closed last week on June 21.

If you are an optimist, you may try to register anyway, or perhaps you do
not know that it has closed. Either way, if you didn't register by June 21,
you are too late. The train has already left the station.

There are things we do in the days following June 21. One of them is to
send a list of job seeker registrants to employers, and a list of employer
registrants to job seekers. That has already been done.

There are no walk-ins at the career fair. There is nothing we can do to
help those who have not registered. Our next career fair will be virtual,
in September or October. We haven't settled on the date yet.

If you want to meet some of the employers, you can come to the Orientation
to Career Fair and possibly meet them. Some have booths in the exhibit
hall. But that is the best we can do for you.

Take care,
Dick Davis, Chair
NFB Employment Committeee
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