[Job-Discussions] Fwd: FW: June 21 Disability Event Promotional Materials

Richard Davis dickblind at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 16:21:20 UTC 2023

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Richard Rueda <rrueda at aph.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 6, 2023 at 4:29 PM
Subject: FW: June 21 Disability Event Promotional Materials
To: gpstraveller at hotmail.com <gpstraveller at hotmail.com>
Cc: Nattyaly2003 at gmail.com <Nattyaly2003 at gmail.com>, Aunya Anderson <
aunyaanderson at gmail.com>, Isabella Cherin <bellacherin at gmail.com>, Selene
Monjaraz <slnmonjaraz at gmail.com>, bhavya.shah125 at gmail.com <
bhavya.shah125 at gmail.com>, Sean Plumer <sean.plumer at gmail.com>, shelbi
felter <sfelts at hotmail.com>, Menter, Ryan <ryan.menter at snhu.edu>, Paige
Hammock <hammockpa at gmail.com>, Jacob Ray <nakethegreat at gmail.com>, Angie
Hernandez <a.hernandez51906 at gmail.com>, Payton Polk <paytonpolk.01 at gmail.com>,
Marie Zaknoun <mariezaknoun20 at gmail.com>, Gabriela Abeyta <
gabriela.a7635 at g.k12espanola.org>, Ballmann, David (ESC) <
Dave.Ballmann at wcbvi.k12.wi.us>, Lee Huffman <lhuffman at aph.org>,
mcvoys at michigan.gov <mcvoys at michigan.gov>, Miguel Venegas <
MVenegas at stocktonusd.net>, Aaron Espinoza ACB National Student President <
president at acbstudents.org>, Melanie Alt Sinohui <melanie.alt at gmail.com>,
Melanie Peskoe <mpeskoe at afb.org>, Richard Davis <dickblind at gmail.com>

APH Student Advisory members and colleagues, this is a terrific resource
and please see below for networking opportunities. Feel free to share as
you see fit.

*[image: American Printing House Logo]*

*Richard Rueda*

*Assistant Director, APH ConnectCenter*

*www.APHConnectCenter.org* <http://www.APHConnectCenter.org>

*M: 510.825.4106*

*O: 502.515.9107*

*1839 Frankfort Ave.*

*Louisville, KY 40206*

*Email: **rrueda at aph.org* <rrueda at aph.org>

*Empowering people toward greater independence and lifelong success:
providing I&R support and resources for job seekers, families and  adults
with vision loss*

*From:* Cementwala, Mariyam <CementwalaM at state.gov>
*Sent:* Tuesday, June 6, 2023 11:08 AM
*To:* Raquel O'Neill, LCSW <raquel at blindconnect.org>;
Susan.Pelbath at dor.ca.gov; Richard Rueda <rrueda at aph.org>
*Subject:* FW: June 21 Disability Event Promotional Materials


I wanted to send along some information that may be useful to your
consumers – young professionals with disabilities.  The Department of State
is hosting a virtual event with a number of diplomats with disabilities
speaking about their careers.  Please feel free to share the attached
promotional materials or information regarding registration below in the
chain to your networks and contacts!

Lovely to connect with you all in California and Nevada last month!

Very best regards,


*Mariyam Cementwala, Senior Policy Advisor*

Secretary’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion (S/ODI)

U.S. Department of State, HST 7321

Phone: 202-647-2380

Work Cell:  202-768-2174

Email: cementwalam at state.gov

*Want to know what our office is doing? Have suggestions? Check out the **S/ODI
Website* <https://usdos.sharepoint.com/sites/S-ODI>*.*

*From:* Khan, Faisal M <KhanFM at state.gov>
*Sent:* Tuesday, June 6, 2023 10:11 AM
*To:* Cementwala, Mariyam <CementwalaM at state.gov>; Barrasso, Alexander L <
BarrassoAL at state.gov>
*Subject:* June 21 Disability Event Promotional Materials

Good morning Alex and Mariyam,

Please find attached the promotional materials for the upcoming June 21
virtual information session for persons with disabilities at 4pm ET where
Foreign Service panelists will highlight their journey to the FS. (Alex is
one of the panelists… yay!)

Can you please kindly share it with your contacts outside the Department as
you see fit.

They will need to register at https://tinyurl.com/yft6smjv to receive the
Zoom link for the event.


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