[Job-Discussions] Technology Training on Digital Contact Business Cards and Networking Strategies Sponsored by the NFB Muslims Group

dandrews920 at comcast.net dandrews920 at comcast.net
Fri Jun 9 22:35:53 UTC 2023

Hello everyone,

Are you planning to attend the employment job fair during convention? Or
perhaps you prefer to socialize to connect with new friends and colleagues.
Are you the type to find or create opportunities for networking? Are you
familiar with digital contact cards? 
NFB Muslims group is here to help make exchanging phone numbers, emails,
business information, social media, and or website a lot easier. 
Stand out from the crowd with resourcefulness and efficiency and join us to
learn how to create and share your digital business card.

The NFB Muslims Group is hosting a technology training workshop  on June 10
at 1 PM Eastern via Zoom. The zoom information is below the signature line.

The technology training will cover Digital applications of contact business
cards as well as tips and strategies for networking at  conferences,
conventions, employment fairs, and other social events. The training will
cover basic applications via smart phones as well as advanced applications.
Follow up resources Will also be provided. 

The technology training is Open to all who are interested to network for
social or  employment purposes, and   Who is also looking for a more
efficient and resourceful means of communication during the NFB convention
in July and beyond.

For questions, email the NFB Muslims Group Chair, Tasnim Alshuli, at
nfbmuslims at gmail.com.

with Peace,
Tasnim Alshuli, Chair of the NFB Muslims Group
Email: nfbmuslims at gmail.com

Tasnim Alshuli is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Topic: Technology
training on Digital contacts and networking strategies sponsored by NFB
Muslims Group
Time: Jun 10, 2023 10:00 AM Arizona

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