[Job-Listings] Employment with the Federal Government

David Andrews dandrews920 at comcast.net
Wed Dec 8 10:58:13 UTC 2021

>I thought I would forward the attached for those looking for employment.Â
>Peggy Chong
>=====Original =====
>​Dear Disability Rights Organization Leaders:
>In support of the U.S. Department of Defense 
>(DoD) and its efforts along with other agencies 
>across the Federal Government to hire qualified 
>persons with disabilities, I wanted to share the 
>following information, which you are each 
>welcomed to forward to others in your network. (Also see attached flyer.)
>This resume bank may be accessed by Hiring 
>Managers from across the Federal Government seeking qualified candidates.
>The Department of Defense (DoD), Diversity 
>Management Operation Center (DMOC), Disability 
>Program Directorate (DPD), would like to 
>introduce the DoD Shared List.  The DoD Shared 
>List is a user friendly database where qualified 
>job seekers with disabilities, who are eligible 
>for employment under the Schedule A Hiring 
>Authority, can post their resume and credentials 
>to be considered for priority employment with 
>the Federal Government. (For information on 
>Schedule A go to 
>Caution-https://www.eeoc.gov/abcs-schedule < 
>Caution-https://www.eeoc.gov/abcs-schedule > )
>DoD, DMOC DPD is connecting with the Department 
>of Education, Office to Civil Rights to get the 
>word out to the disability community about the 
>Shared List. As this is a new resource, it is 
>imperative that the database be filled with 
>qualified job seekers with disabilities for 
>hiring managers to find to fill vacant positions.
>If you are interested in employment with the 
>Federal Government and you are qualified for 
>priority employment under Schedule A, please 
>submit your information to the DoD Shared List 
>at Caution-www.dodsharedlist.com < 
>Caution-http://www.dodsharedlist.com > . There 
>you can submit your résumé for viewing by 
>participating hiring managers. Additionally, you 
>will find a number of resources designed to 
>assist you with understanding the federal hiring process.
>DoD, DMOC DPD regularly holds workshops designed 
>to provide individuals with tools to assist them 
>with succeeding in the hiring process. The next 
>Skill Building Workshop will be held on December 
>15, 2020 from 12 PM to 2 PM Eastern Standard 
>Time.  If you would like more information or are 
>interested in joining our mailing list please 
><mailto:dodhra.dmoc-dpd at mail.mil>dodhra.dmoc-dpd at mail.mil 
>< Caution-mailto:dodhra.dmoc-dpd at mail.mil > .
>If you are a hiring manager or an HR 
>professional and would like information on 
>accessing the DoD Shared List please contact 
>DoD, DMOC DPD at 
><mailto:dodhra.dmoc-dpd at mail.mil>dodhra.dmoc-dpd at mail.mil 
>< Caution-mailto:dodhra.dmoc-dpd at mail.mil > .
>For additional information or if your 
>organization would like a presentation on the 
>DoD Shared List, please contact Krista Flores at 
><mailto:krista.d.flores.ctr at mail.mil>krista.d.flores.ctr at mail.mil 
>Caution-mailto:krista.d.flores.ctr at mail.mil > 
><mailto:dodhra.dmoc-dpd at mail.mil>dodhra.dmoc-dpd at mail.mil 
>< Caution-mailto:dodhra.dmoc-dpd at mail.mil > .
>Here is the 
>on how to use the DoD Shared List. (Video 
>Description: A single headshot of a woman 
>speaking about how to use the DoD Shared List 
>tool cutting to occasional screenshots.)
>If you have any questions about these efforts, 
>please feel free to direct them to those named 
>in the above announcement (who are also CC’d here).
>On a more personal front, I wanted to take this 
>opportunity to wish each of you the happiest of 
>Holiday Seasons!  As always, I look forward to 
>being of support in whatever way that I can.  We 
>here at the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the 
>U.S. Department of Education (ED) look forward 
>to staying in touch with you all as we strive to 
>make an even bigger difference in the lives of 
>students with all types of disabilities.
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