[Job-Listings] Registration for Career Fair

dickblind at gmail.com dickblind at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 17:12:03 UTC 2022

Dear List Members, 

I read every registration for our NFB Career Fairs. That includes employer and job seeker registrations. I learn a lot doing that. 

Recently, I saw a registration from an individual who chose to use the space available to talk about what they were looking for and what skills they offered to an employer. I was impressed. 

Most registrants do the absolute minimum. A simple list of what they’re looking for, with no elaboration at all. Some even leave spaces blank. That isn’t just a blind thing. Most sighted persons do the minimum too. 

Our registered employers get spreadsheets with job seeker registration information on them. If they are interested, they activate a code that opens up a person’s resume. If the registration information leaps out at them, guess whose resume gets opened first? 

Before seeing the enhanced registration that prompted this message, I’d never seen anyone use the space available to sell themselves. Today, I learned something new. The registration form can be used as a cover letter to get employers to open your resume. 

The secret of competition is doing more than the other person. That makes you stand out against what an employer might see as an otherwise boring field of contenders. One individual figured out how to do that. 

I will keep this advice in mind for the future. It will become part of our instructions for job seekers. If you’ve already registered, send a nice cover letter to interesting employers when you get their contact information. If you haven’t yet, give this advice a try.

Best wishes,
Dick Davis 

Sent from my iPhone

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