[Job-Listings] FW: ADS Job Opportunities

llee at nfbct.org llee at nfbct.org
Tue Apr 25 13:23:26 UTC 2023



From: Jenkins, Carol <Carol.Jenkins at ct.gov> 
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2023 11:14 AM
Subject: FW: ADS Job Opportunities




Please forward to those who may be interested. Thanks


Warm Regards,

Carol Jenkins


From: Solivan, Merelin <Merelin.Solivan at ct.gov
<mailto:Merelin.Solivan at ct.gov> > 
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2023 8:00 AM
To: ADS-DL ALL USERS <ADS-DLALL at ct.gov <mailto:ADS-DLALL at ct.gov> >; ADS-DL
BRS-DDS <ADS-DL.BRS.DDS at ct.gov <mailto:ADS-DL.BRS.DDS at ct.gov> >
Cc: Young, Ronnell <Ronnell.Young at ct.gov <mailto:Ronnell.Young at ct.gov> >;
Napiello, Jennifer <Jennifer.Napiello at ct.gov
<mailto:Jennifer.Napiello at ct.gov> >
Subject: ADS Job Opportunities


ADS Job Opportunities:


Quality Control Reviewer (Vocational Rehabilitation) Hybrid

Recruitment #         230418-6816SH-001

Location                    Windsor, CT

Date Opened           4/20/2023 12:00:00 AM

Salary                         $68,485* - $87,333/year (*New State employees
start at the minimum)

Job Type                   Open to the Public

Close Date                5/3/2023 11:59:00 PM


Rehabilitation Teacher 1 (35 Hour) Hybrid

Recruitment            #230419-6792RT-001

Location                    Windsor, CT

Date Opened           4/21/2023 12:00:00 AM

Salary                         $55,204* - $72,896/year (*New State Employees
Start at Minimum)

Job Type                   Open to the Public

Close Date                5/4/2023 11:59:00 PM


Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (Blind) (35 Hour) Hybrid | Spanish
Speaking Preferred

Recruitment            #230418-9140EC-001

Location                    Windsor, CT

Date Opened           4/20/2023 12:00:00 AM

Salary                         $71,604* - $94,354/year (*New State Employees
Start at Minimum)

Job Type                   Open to the Public

Close Date                5/3/2023 11:59:00 PM


Create a Job Search Agent
<https://www.jobapscloud.com/CT/auditor/ChooseGroups.asp> :  This enables
you to create or modify your Job Search Agent profile and you will be
notified by email of any job openings meeting your specified criteria. 


Merelin Solivan

ADS Human Resources

Department of Aging and Disability Services

55 Farmington Avenue, Hartford

(860) 424-5544


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