[Journalists] Blind reporters needed

Nick Isenberg nickisenberg at comcast.net
Mon Feb 10 20:55:01 UTC 2020

I produce the radio program and podcast THE TACTILE TRAVELER-empowering
blind and low vision people to explore the world and helping our sighted
friends see the world in a new way. I am looking for blind reporters from
all over the world to help with the program, in English.
Check out the show by putting quote the tactile traveler quote into any
podcast search engine for all three shows, or any search engine for the
latest show.

The goal of the program is to identify, and hands, and even create better
travel experiences for blind and low vision travelers.

If you like what you hear and would like to become part of the program
please call me at 1-970-945-8936. I live in Glenwood Springs Colorado in the
Mountain time zone. 

Enjoy the show,

Nick Isenberg

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