[KeystoneChapter] Keystone NFB Chapter Meeting Reminder: August 12

Drenth, Joe Joe.Drenth at JBTC.COM
Tue Aug 1 19:09:49 UTC 2017

Hello everyone,

This is a reminder that the next Keystone Chapter meeting of the NFB of Pennsylvania will be held on Saturday, August 12, at the normal time of 10:15AM and normal location of 1500 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, in the second floor board room.

Also, we have been approved for the Jenkintown Panera fundraising event on August 23, 2017!
The flyer for this event is attached, so please start promoting it right now. You can hand out printed copies of it, and also email it out to people in the greater area.
You do not have to be present in order to help promote the event. The more we can spread the word the more people we potentially  can get to come to the event.

The Keystone Chapter now has a Facebook page, so please come and like it by following this link:

We hope to see you at the meeting on Saturday, August 12.

Joe and Marsha Drenth
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