[KeystoneChapter] Meeting Reminder: This coming Saturday, January 13

Drenth, Joe Joe.Drenth at JBTC.COM
Tue Jan 9 18:07:01 UTC 2018

Happy New Year everyone!

This is a reminder that the next Keystone Chapter meeting of the NFB of Pennsylvania will be held this weekend on Saturday, January 13, at the normal time of 10:15AM and normal location of 1500 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, in the second floor board room.

As a reminder, this chapter will be hosting a Louie Braille Carnival at Saint Lucy's school on Friday, January 19, and volunteers are needed and appreciated. We need people to run Braille-related games and activities with the kids, and I guarantee that you will have a good time if you go, since it is always a very rewarding experience. If you are interested or want to learn more, come to the meeting this Saturday or email chapter president Harriet Go using the following email address: goharriet00 at hotmail.com<mailto:goharriet00 at hotmail.com>

Also, If you can stay for a little while after the meeting this Saturday to help prepare a scholarship mailing, it would be much appreciated by the students division and the Pennsylvania affiliate. Placing letters in envelopes is not difficult and goes very quickly when many people are involved, and it is a good way to get to know the other people with whom you are working. If you have not yet participated in a mailing, please give it a try.

Finally, please send a text to Marsha Drenth at 469-583-1975 if you would like to receive text updates and chapter reminders. This is another great way we can all stay informed about any last-minute changes or important information. When you send a text to Marsha, please include your name so we know which mobile numbers belong to which people.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!


Marsha Drenth, Keystone Chapter First Vice President, and Joe Drenth

PS: The Keystone Chapter now has a Facebook page, so please come and like it by following this link:


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