[KeyStoneChapter] Link Mentioned In Todays Keystone Chapter Meeting

David Goldstein david at iCantCU.com
Sat May 8 20:35:22 UTC 2021

Good afternoon Keystone Chapter Members and Friends,

As mentioned at this morning’s meeting, all of our links can be found in one place on the NFB of PA website. Go to http://nfbp.org/keystonechapter <http://nfbp.org/keystonechapter> to pay your yearly dues, find the affiliate link for White Cane Coffee, make a donation, and, in the coming weeks, purchase Keystone Chapter tees. (For now, please don’t place a t-shirt order until we have finalized the price.)

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and happy Mother’s Day!


David Goldstein
Treasurer, Keystone Chapter, NFB of PA
david at iCantCU.com
(610) 715-5020 mobile
www.iCantCU.com <https://www.icantcu.com/>
iCantCU Podcast
Apple Podcasts <https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/icantcu-podcast/id1445801370> | Spotify <https://open.spotify.com/show/3nck2D5HgD9ckSaUQaWwW2> | IHeartRadio <https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-icantcu-podcast-31157111/>
Support The Podcast When You Shop
Amazon <https://www.icantcu.com/amazon>
Connect with me:
Twitter <https://twitter.com/davidbenj> | Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/davidbenj/> | LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidbenj> | Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/davidbenj> 

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