[KeyStoneChapter] February 2022 Chapter Meeting

Harriet Go goharriet00 at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 11 23:03:26 UTC 2022

Hey Mark,
Great! I’m glad you will be there virtually!

See you tomorrow!

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 11, 2022, at 3:50 PM, Mark Bias <mark.bias19126 at gmail.com> wrote:

Looking forward to it!

On Fri, Feb 11, 2022, 1:13 PM Harriet Go <goharriet00 at hotmail.com<mailto:goharriet00 at hotmail.com>> wrote:
Hi everyone!!
Happy Friday! This is just a reminder that our next chapter meeting will be tomorrow, February 12, 2022. Our meeting will be held virtually, and will begins at 10:15 a.m. Please see below for the Zoom link.

At this meeting we will discuss what is going on the national, state, and local levels of the NFB. We will recap our Washington Seminar, talk about current legislation that will help the blind, discuss fundraising ideas, and share our experiences with one another.

We are also hoping to have Emily and Richard from 64 Ounce Games as guest speakers at the meeting. 64 Ounce Games is a company that makes commercial board games accessible by adding Braille or other tactile components to the games. Come and learn what this is all about and add this resource to your knowledge bank!

Remember, 2022 dues are $10. You can pay via Paypal or credit card. Just go to our chapter webpage and find the heading "Yearly Dues"<http://nfbp.org/our-organization/chapters/keystone>.

Come and learn, share, connect, and help in our movement to make our communities a more equitable place for blind people. If you have never been to a Keystone Chapter meeting before, or haven't been here in a while, it's never too late to start or to reconnect. We are so excited to see everyone there!

Finally, if you haven't already, please join our Keystone Chapter listserv<http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/keystonechapter_nfbnet.org> to stay connected and up to date on all things Keystone.

Any questions, feel free to reach out!

Let's go build the National Federation of the Blind!

Harriet Go
Keystone Chapter, National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania

How To Join the Keystone Chapter Meeting via Zoom

Topic: Keystone Chapter Meeting

Time: February 12, 2021 9:55 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


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Password: 123321

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