[KeyStoneChapter] The passing of Sebastian Demanop

Denice dbrown8827 at aol.com
Mon Jun 13 15:38:08 UTC 2022

Dear Friends,
I received a phone call from both Eugenio D’Oliveira and Marilyn Klein about the recent passing of our friend in the blind Community Sebastian Demanop who was 93 years old.

Sebastian was a part of the Delaware Valley Blind Bowlers League for over 40 years. He had worked for the Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services for 30 years. I served with Sebastian for a number of years with the SEPTA Advisory Committee. He also served the community by being a part of the Braille Revival League.

Please keep Mr. Demanop’s friends and family (which includes his wife Teresa) lifted up in your thoughts and prayers.

Denice Brown

Sent from my iPad

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