[KeyStoneChapter] Greater Philly / Keystone Chapter Brunch

David Goldstein david at iCantCU.com
Thu May 30 21:53:25 UTC 2024

Sent on behalf of our Second Vice Presidents:

Hey Greater Philly and Keystone!
We hope you are all excited for our inaugural co-chapter brunch on Saturday June 22nd. Join us for the Greater Philly Chapter meeting at 10:00 a.m. Our brunch, fun and fellowship will begin immediately thereafter. The address is:
Park Tower Apartments 
4001 Conshohocken  Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19131
In preparation, we are inviting you to our planning meeting this Monday June 3rd at 7 pm. Please come prepared to share what you’ll bring. This is a brunch so foods like fruit, yogurt, sausage, rolls or biscuits, bagels, pancakes. You get the idea.  <edit by David: Mac & Cheese is an anytime sort of food, you know.> We may also need items such as tablecloths, and cutlery but we’ll let you know that on Monday. This is our only planning meeting so if you can’t make it or don’t yet know what you’ll bring, feel free to contact either:
Lisa Bryant
lmarcelbryant at gmail.com <mailto:lmarcelbryant at gmail.com>
Sherri Gaskin
hotstufsdg at gmail.com <mailto:hotstufsdg at gmail.com>
So looking forward to this!!
Zoom link for Monday: Join Zoom Meeting
https://zoom.us/j/98778470919?pwd=R05kQ24rM0JLcjRBdEp5cnpJTzVpdz09 <https://zoom.us/j/98778470919?pwd=R05kQ24rM0JLcjRBdEp5cnpJTzVpdz09>
Meeting ID: 987 7847 0919
Passcode: 224466
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,98778470919# US (Washington DC)

David Goldstein
david at iCantCU.com
(610) 715-5020 mobile
www.iCantCU.com <https://www.icantcu.com/>
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