[Massachusetts-NFB] Blind Equality Achievement Month is in October--do you have any ideas? or would you like to help coordinate something with me?

adam.roberge93 at gmail.com adam.roberge93 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 13 13:33:19 UTC 2024

Hi Shara,

Other than the wine tasting and white cane techniques we could have an event
in Boston where people come in and we braille out their names that way we
could teach sighted people how to read Braille

Other than the David Ticky walk we could have a table at the Boston Vision





From: Massachusetts-NFB <massachusetts-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of
Shara Winton via Massachusetts-NFB
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2024 11:45 PM
To: 'NFB of Massachusetts E-mail List' <massachusetts-nfb at nfbnet.org>
Cc: sharawinton at gmail.com
Subject: [Massachusetts-NFB] Blind Equality Achievement Month is in
October--do you have any ideas? or would you like to help coordinate
something with me?


               Hello Federation Family,

The month of October is set aside as Blind Equality Achievement Month (BEAM)
formally known as Meet the Blind month. The Cambridge chapter will be having
their annual David Ticchi Walk and the Mass commission for the Blind
sponsors a White Cane awareness day. These two things are great, but I would
like to see us do much more across our commonwealth. 

I have been reading about many events that affiliates or chapters have done
in the past. I have copied many of them below for your convenience and
hopefully to get your creative minds inspired. 

One idea that I have that was inspired by a similar event happening soon, in
another affiliate, is to do a White Cane and Wine or Whiskey day. In this
event, (I am thinking Salem), we would set up in a park or on the pedestrian
walkway or maybe at some other establishment where people are allowed to
taste wine or whiskey. While people are doing their tasting we would be
demonstrating white cane techniques, decorating white canes, giving Braille
demonstrations and maybe giving out candy. 

Below are some ideas that I learned about that other affiliates have done
for BEAM. We might use these or perhaps, these past events will inspire new
ideas for us. I think it would be really great to have a few events---maybe
one for each chapter. We could combine these with some already existing
events in October. 


Many chapters set up booths at Farmer's markets, craft fairs, parades,
country fairs, festivals  and so on to share our movement and literature. 

Many chapters  have voter registration drives in several public places
around their states. 



*	The Northern Delaware Chapter will meet on October 15at a state park
from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. And we will be collecting can goods and candy.
*	The park is going to have hayrides the same day, and we are going to
give the candy to the kids, as the park has activities for them. We will be
giving the can goods to a local shelter or organization that gives food to
families in need.
*	The Southern New Castle County Chapter will be meeting at the Dover
public library, and they will be reading Braille books to children, as well
as showing different types of technology we as blind people use on a daily
basis to live independently. Each child will receive an index card with
their name in Braille on it.


*	The Ruston chapter of the NFBLa and the Greater Ouachita Chapter are
planning a joint venture for Meet the blind Month.  We will participate in
an annual event where parents and children are allowed to touch and explore
large tractors, trucks, and cars at a show in Monroe, Louisiana. We will
have a table and distribute information, and several blind children and
their parents will attend the hands-on experience. 


Members of the National Federation of the Blind of Louisiana will
participate in a schoolwide assembly on blindness.


The Treasure Coast Chapter is hosting a walk October 15, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
in Fort Pierce Florida to celebrate White Cane Awareness Day. The Chapter
will walk from City Hall through downtown to their table at a local farmers
market, demonstrate sighted guide travel technique and will distribute gift
bags and literature to attendees.


The National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania Keystone Chapter's 3rd
annual virtual talent show will feature blind and low vision singers,
dancers, musicians, and comedians. Tickets are $10 for individuals and25 for
watch parties. 

The National Federation of the Blind of Ohio Greater Akron Chapter will host
an Applebee's fundraiser and education event on October 20. The Chapel Hill
Ohio Applebee's will donate a portion of all sales where customers use promo
code DOINGOOD when ordering, at checkout, or online. The event will run from
11 a.m. until closing. Chapter members will be on hand to demonstrate
braille, provide information about accessible prescription labels, to
demonstrate usage of the long white cane, and to answer questions about
assistive technology.

*	October 15 & 16, 2022 the Springfield Missouri Chapter held their
annual garage sale.  The garage sale was run by Chapter members, which
allowed them opportunities to interact with the public performing tasks that
the public is not used to seeing blind people do. Such as use color
detectors, money identifiers, take Credit Card payments, and set up and run
a successful garage sale.  The Chapter says "We always talk about how we
live the life we want," let's show them. 


*	On Oct 28, 2022, the Springfield Missouri  Chapter is teaming up
with the Springfield Cardinals minor-league baseball team and other local
businesses for a fun night at Hammons Ballfield.  Chapter members will be
passing out candy along with information on the NFB, and answering any
questions trick-or-treaters have about blindness or the NFB. Chapter members
will be dressing up in costumes.


the Central Valley Chapter participated in a White Cane Walk with the
Stanislaus County Office of Education at JFK School in Modesto. The event
included fun activities for our local blind children, including an obstacle
course, cane decorating, and games with tactile emojis. Members of the
chapter answered questions and demonstrated that blindness should not hold
anyone back from living the life they want.

the Central Valley Chapter will have a booth at the Modesto Farmer's Market,
located on 16th Street between H Street and I Street, from 8 AM to 1 PM.
Chapter members will be demonstrating Braille and assistive technology. The
event will also have some fun Halloween-themed activities, including a
descriptive costume game.

The Lancaster Chapter participated in a local event where they designed a
blind skateboard kid scarecrow that is displayed in downtown Lancaster in
front of the Courthouse. The blind scarecrow kid features a skateboarding
scarecrow using a long white cane and has a sign with Chapter meeting and
contact information.

The Palouse Empire Chapter Book Club Discussion of "The Power of Love: How
Kenneth Jernigan Changed the World for the Blind"
Time: 7:00 p.m. pacific time
This was held via Zoom. 

This book features entries by many of our Idaho NFB members and was edited
by Ramona Walhof. The Idaho contributors have been invited to participate in
this book club discussion.



These are just some of the ideas. I would love to hear any that you may
have. Let's show our Massachusetts neighbors that we are here and we are
living the life we want! 


With Love, hope and determination, 

Shara Winton

President, National federation of the Blind of Massachusetts

www.nfbma.org <http://www.nfbma.org/> 

sharawinton at gmail.com <mailto:sharawinton at gmail.com> 



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