[Massachusetts-NFB] Cambridge Chapter Meeting Tonight, Zoom Link And Resending April Minutes

Cullen Gallagher cullen.gallagher at gmail.com
Mon May 13 06:14:52 UTC 2024

Hi Everyone,
I look forward to seeing you all at tonights Cambridge Chapter Meeting at 6:00 PM. I am resending the minutes from our April meeting as well as the zoom link if you are not able to attend in-person. The Details are below.

Topic: NFBMA Cambridge Chapter Meeting

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Meeting ID: 959 0170 3256

Cambridge Chapter Minutes, April 8, 2024

The April 8, 2024 meeting of the Cambridge Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Massachusetts was held as a hybrid meeting at Cambridge Citywide Senior Center and Zoom. The meeting was called to order at 6:06 PM
In Attendance:

ElizabethAnn Johnson
Ellen Bartelt
Rashad Saadieh
Laurie Mattioli
Rick Camann
Cullen Gallagher
Tracy Carvalho
Tammy Febbi
Mika Pyyhkala
Andrew Johnson
Kyra Sweeney
Sengil Inkiala
Jen Bose
Shirley Dorris
Chris DiNardo
Kobena Bonney
Adam Roberge
Kristina Constant
Rachel Kobierecki
Stephanie Valdes
Masha Sten-Clanton
Al Sten-Clanton
David Ticchi
Justin Heard
NFB Pledge

Masha led the NFB Pledge.
Approval Of Minutes

Inky moved that the minutes be accepted as written; the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report

Mika presented the Treasurer’s Report. Our walk has been completed, and Mika indicated that our walk total is $6,468. The checking account balance is $476.13. Our expense was our standard PAC contribution. We also have $1,203.05 in our PayPal, which will be transferred to the checking account. Expenses that will be reflected in next months report include the $100 gift for Scott Hurley and the $125 for the Convention door prizes which Mika took from his account. 
Cullen moved that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted; the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Presidential Release

Justin presented highlights from the April Presidential Release. <https://nfb.org/sites/nfb.org/files/2024-04/April_2024_Release_Chapter_Version_Final6m2a7.mp3>
Some of the resources mentioned include:
Email address to request support from the Deaf Blind division: presidentdeafblindnfb at mauricemines.org.
Link to provide support to Deaf Blind attendees. <https://nfb.org/form/support-service-provider-volunte>
Guide dog division convention sponsorship. <https://nagdu.org/sponsorship>
Springfield Chapter Walk

The Springfield Chapter is holding their walk on May 18. If you are interested in attending, please contact Shara as soon as possible. We may be able to get a van if there is interest. 
National Convention

If you are planning to attend the national convention, please let Shara know. 
President’s Report

Justin reviewed this chapters accomplishments over the last two years. These include:
The return to in-Person meetings at the Senior Center in November 2022. They have worked very well with us.
The successful implementation of the hybrid component with the speaker, allowing those who cannot tend in person to still participate. Justin hopes this option will continue to be available.
Having monthly discussions of Braille Monitor articles.
Justin also reflected on his term as president, and how much he has learned along the way. He encouraged everyone to get involved in lead, even if you have things to learn about the chapter and organization.
New Members

Three new members were voted in.
Chris DeNardo introduced herself. Following her introduction, Cullen moved that we welcome Criss into our chapter; the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Adam Roberge introduced himself. Following his introduction, Kobena moved that we welcome Adam as a member; the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Andrew Johnson introduced himself. Following the introduction, Kobena moved that we welcome Andrew as a member: seconded and passed unanimously. Welcome to all our new members!

Elections were held for all officers and a board member.
For President, Shirley Dorris was nominated. There were no additional nominations. Cullen moved that nominations cease and Shirley be elected by acclamation; the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
For Vice President, Sengil Inkiala was nominated. There were no additional nominations. Cullen moved that nominations cease and Sengil be elected by acclamation; the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
For Treasurer, Mika Pyyhkala was nominated. There were no additional nominations. Cullen moved that nominations cease and Mika be elected by acclamation; the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
For Secretary, Cullen Gallagher was nominated. There were no additional nominations. Andrew moved that nominations cease and Cullen be elected by acclamation; the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
For the Board position, Justin explained that they would represent and help out where needed and prevents deadlock when making decisions. 
For the board position, Ellen Bartelt, Laurie Mattioli, and Jen Bose were put into nomination. Mika moved that nominations cease; the motion was seconded and passed unanimously. A voice vote was taken but was too close to call. Using an accessible voting process, Jen was declare the winner.
Congratulations to all.
Next Meeting

The next meeting will be May 13.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM

Cullen Gallagher
Affiliate Secretary and Cambridge Chapter Secretary: National Federation of the Blind of Massachusetts

The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.

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