[Massachusetts-NFB] Time-Sensitive Legislative Alert for This Week!

Kyra Sweeney kyra.sweeney94 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 25 03:01:52 UTC 2024

Hi everyone!

It is once again time to call or email our members of Congress! Both the
House and the Senate will be in session through the end of this week before
they both go into a district work period until after the November
elections. That makes this week the perfect time for us to call or email
our legislators and urge them to cosponsor our legislation. When you call
or email, please ask them to cosponsor:

·        Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act (H.R. 5813/S.
2984): This legislation would require all entities covered by the ADA to
maintain accessible websites and software applications.

·        Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act (H.R. 1328/S. 3621):
This legislation would ensure that home-use medical devices are accessible
to blind and low vision Americans.

·        Blind Americans Return to Work Act (H.R. 8878): This legislation
would increase the earnings potential of blind Americans by eliminating the
SSDI earnings cliff.

·        Access Technology Affordability Act (H.R. 3702/S. 1467): This
legislation provides a refundable $2,000 credit to people who are blind or
low vision that would allow us to purchase assistive technology for work.

·        Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act (H.R.
1263/S. 533): This legislation would provide states and employers with the
resources to transition workers with disabilities into fully integrated and
competitive jobs, which includes earning at least the minimum wage
alongside individuals without disabilities, while phasing out the
subminimum wage for individuals with disabilities.

Please mention all of these pieces of legislation in your calls and emails.
It would be great to include any personal stories or examples of how the
issues have affected you.

I have attached information on how to contact our representatives and
senators. If you send emails, please copy kyra.sweeney94 at gmail.com and
sharawinton at gmail.com.

Let’s prioritize calling our members of Congress by this Friday, September
27th. These bills are critical to advancing opportunities for blind people,
and it would be great to have co-sponsors from Massachusetts! As always,
feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.


Kyra Sweeney

Legislative Director, NFB of MA
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