[MD-Sligo] Tek Talk: features Stocking Stuffers Part 1 with Barry Scheur of Guidelights and Gadgets and Krystle zamudio of Scentsy. 11/07/2022

Dontee Wrenn dontee.wl8 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 20 09:16:08 UTC 2022

features Stocking Stuffers Part 1 with Barry Scheur of Guidelights and Gadgets and Krystle zamudio of Scentsy. 11/07/2022
Tek Talk

Barry will present in the first half hour from 8 to 8:30pm Eastern and krystle will present in the second half hour from 8:30 to 9pm Eastern. Guidelights and Gadgets GuideLights And Gadgets focuses on five product categories: our new locking telescopic titanium canes; talking medical products; leather products — bags pouches waist packs and carrying cases and just about anything else leather that you need to be protected or carried; a curated list of electronics items that Kae and I use everyday; and lastly, products for dogs and their handlers (grooming, safety, travel, and toys.) We accept orders only via phone or by email, and can be reached at Barry Scheur: (617) 969-7500 bscheur.gadgetsandtech at gmail.com KaeAnn Rausch: (781) 286-1696 guidelightdogs at gmail.com. Come listen for lots of holiday specials! Scentsy Would you like to discover a way to have fragrance in your home without any harmful chemicals, smoke or flame? At Scentsy, we believe in enlivening the senses through fragrance without using any flame, smoke or soot. Fill your life with fragrance as I guide you through what Scentsy has to offer. Some of the categories include: decorative wax warmers, wax melts, body care, laundry care, cleaning products, pet care, items for children and much more. If you would like to reach out to me with any questions, I would love to hear from you. Krystle Zamudio, Independent Scentsy Consultant Google Voice: 559-201-8382 Presenter Contact InfoGuidelights and Gadgets Barry’s phone: 617-969-7500 Barry’s email: bscheur.gadgetsandtech at gmail.com Kae’s phone: 781-286-1696 Kae’s email: guidelightdogs at gmail.com Website: www.guidelightsandgadgets.us Scentsy Google Voice: 559-201-8382 Email: krystlezamudio at gmail.com Website: krystlezamudio.scentsy.us
Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tek-talk/id1500954706?i=1000586203245

Dontee L. Wrenn
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