[MDABS] Countdown to the JWST Launch

LASHAWN MYLES -MSL- lashawn.myles at maryland.gov
Mon Dec 6 18:43:44 UTC 2021

*1,2,3... Blast off! *
The NASA @ My Library: The James Webb Space Telescope Challenge has
officially begun.  It's not too late to register and explore our universe
with the James Webb Space Telescope Challenge. Learn all about the science
behind NASA's newest space telescope mission, the James Webb Space
Telescope. Want to explore some science activities you can do at home?  Try
a few from the Look Up! STAR STEM Activity Clearinghouse.  View them at:

Be sure to register for the reading challenge and receive your free NASA
Register at: https://marylandlbph.beanstack.org

Get ready to blast off, by joining the countdown to the JWST launch at:

Did you miss "The Night Kitchen"?  Don't forget to check out all the
episodes to learn more about astronomy. Now streaming @

Happy Reading,


LaShawn Myles

Youth Services Librarian

Maryland State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled

Maryland State Library

415 Park Avenue

Baltimore, Maryland 21201-3603

410-230-2455 <(410)%20230-2454> (office)

410-333-2095 <(410)%20333-2095> (fax)

lashawn.myles at maryland.gov
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