[MDABS] Gentle Reminder: Navigating through the College Process Event

LASHAWN MYLES -MSL- lashawn.myles at maryland.gov
Mon Dec 13 15:56:49 UTC 2021

Do you have questions about the college process?
Want clarity on college life?
How do you acquire accessible textbooks?
Join Rondez Green, a college senior, and The Maryland Accessible Textbook
Program to chat about the college experience.
Join the conversation!

*College 101: Navigating through the College Process*
Zoom Presentation
Speakers:  Rondez Green and Joseph Beckett (Education Coordinator,
 Maryland Accessible Textbook Program)
When: Dec 15, 2021
04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

*Registration Required Before December 14th. Register using the following
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the meeting.

Do you have specific questions?  Send them in advance to
kidsdesk.lbpd at maryland.gov


LaShawn Myles

Youth Services Librarian

Maryland State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled

Maryland State Library

415 Park Avenue

Baltimore, Maryland 21201-3603

410-230-2455 <(410)%20230-2454> (office)

410-333-2095 <(410)%20333-2095> (fax)

lashawn.myles at maryland.gov
Click here
complete a three question customer experience survey.

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   - Facebook - MDLBPD <https://www.facebook.com/MDLBPD/>
   - Twitter - MDLBPD <https://twitter.com/MDLBPD/>
   - Linked In - Maryland State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled
   - Blog- https://mdlbpd.blogspot.com/
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