[Mn-at-large] Urgent Legislative Action Needed

president--- via NFBMN-News nfbmn-news at nfbnet.org
Sat Dec 2 04:33:21 UTC 2017

Greetings, fellow Federationists,
The senate plans to take up a vote on the Tax 
Cuts and Jobs Act as early as today, so it’s 
critical we call our senators to express our 
opposition to the bill in its current form.
You can <https://nfb.org/blog/article/3408>get an 
in-depth look at the problem here, but the short 
version is that the deficit is projected to rise 
quickly enough that it will trigger cuts to rehab and IDEA funding.
What we need:
We need absolutely everyone to call the capital 
switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask them to 
connect you to senators Klobuchar and Franken. 
Ask them to ensure that the senate’s tax bill 
will not trigger mandatory spending cuts that 
will eliminate or reduce vocational 
rehabilitation and IDEA funding. This is 
extremely time-sensitive, so please­please­do it today.
One of the most interesting things about living 
in Minnesota is that both of our senators, being 
democrats, are likely to vote no on this tax 
legislation automatically. While that would solve 
our problem, we want to be able to influence the 
bill to prevent rehab and IDEA cuts even if it 
passes. Right now the senate is going into 
debate, meaning that language can be added to and 
subtracted from the legislation during this 
period. This means that senators Klobuchar and 
Franken still have the ability to influence the 
bill and include provisions to help protect our 
funding. Even in a state with two democratic senators, your calls still matter.
For those new to calling your senators, or for 
those looking for ideas, try this script as a jumping off point.
“My name is <name> with the National Federation 
of the Blind of Minnesota, and I’m calling to ask 
the senator to oppose the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act 
in its current form. This bill will remove 
opportunities for education and employment for 
blind people. Please vote no, or introduce 
language to avoid triggering mandatory spending 
cuts that will eliminate or reduce vocational rehabilitation and IDEA funding.”
After you have made your calls, I would love an 
email from you letting me know you have done so. 
This helps us keep a tally of how many contacts we have made.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate 
to email me at 
<mailto:president at nfbmn.org>president at nfbmn.org 
or call/text me at (402) 730-4092.
Thanks in advance for your awesome work!

Ryan Strunk, President
National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota
president at nfbmn.org
Live the life you want.
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