[MN-at-Large] Fwd: [NFBMN-News] 2021 Annual Convention Agenda

David Andrews dandrews920 at comcast.net
Wed Nov 3 10:46:49 UTC 2021

>National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota. Live the life yo
>2021 Annual Convention
>November 5-7, 2021
>Anywhere and Everywhere
>Ryan Strunk, President
>National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota
>100 East 22nd Street, Minneapolis, MN 55404
>(612) 872-9363, <mailto:president at nfbmn.org>president at nfbmn.org
>National Representative:
>Ron Brown
>Second Vice President
>National Federation of the Blind
>Indianapolis, IN
>Welcome to our 101st Convention!
>The National Federation of the Blind of 
>Minnesota knows that blindness is not the 
>characteristic that defines you or your future. 
>Every day we raise the expectations of blind 
>people, because low expectations create 
>obstacles between blind people and our dreams. 
>You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.
>Zoom Video Conferencing Platform
>The most up-to-date version of this agenda, 
>particularly the links to join each session, is 
>available on our website at 
>Based on the success of our National Convention 
>and the accessibility of the platform, all meetings will be hosted using Zoom.
>In brief:
>·        With the exception of general sessions, 
>all meetings have unique links and ID numbers, 
>which are listed in this agenda. The password 
>for all meetings is the same: 63266101.
>·        For your convenience, all general 
>sessions share the same meeting ID. You can also 
>to quickly join any General Session, the 
>Auction, and the Saturday evening Keynote Address.
>·        For the best experience, we encourage 
>you to download, install, and use the Zoom app 
>on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Even if 
>you don’t have a microphone on your computer, 
>joining the meeting by computer first will give 
>you access to all features of the Zoom platform.
>·        If you cannot use the Zoom app, you can 
>dial-in using your telephone. Use any of Zoom’s 
>dial-in numbers, then enter the meeting ID and 
>password (63266101). You are responsible for the 
>cost of all calls, including any applicable long-distance charges.
>o   (646) 876-9923
>o   (312) 626-6799
>o   (301) 715-8592
>Social Media
>The Social Media Committee invites you to share 
>your convention experience with your friends and 
>family to show them how the NFB of Minnesota is 
>empowering blind people. Post to Twitter or 
>Facebook using #NFBMN. We love pictures
>remember to add descriptions so everyone can enjoy them.
>Our second largest state fundraiser will be an 
>opportunity to show off your creativity and that 
>of your fellow Minnesotans. On Friday night, you 
>can bid on several unique gift baskets put 
>together by your Federation family! Auction 
>Coordinator Charlotte Czarnecki will land a good 
>price and new home for your basket creations. 
>Please bring your credit cards and be ready to 
>raise those hands in Zoom and on the phone to 
>take home some fantastic auction items!
>A list of available auction items and specific 
>rules will soon be available on 
><http://www.nfbmn.org/convention/>the convention page of our website.
>Door Prizes
>Prizes will be awarded throughout the 
>convention. To be eligible, you must be 
>registered and present online when your name is 
>drawn. Donations are being coordinated by Amy 
>Baron, John TeBockhorst, and Tom TeBockhorst.
>Get on the PAC Plan
>The Pre-Authorized Contribution (PAC) Plan has 
>come to be an increasingly important part of 
>financing our movement. According to the 
>chairman of the NFB’s PAC committee, Scott 
>LaBarre, the Federation has raised more than $10 
>million over the years through the PAC Plan.
>The PAC Plan allows members, affiliates, 
>chapters, and others to give a regular and 
>automatic donation to the Federation every 
>month. All you need to provide is your checking 
>account, debit card or credit card information. 
>Because of the costs associated with operating 
>the program, the minimum donation is $5 per 
>month, yet there is no restriction on how much 
>you donate. Please sign up at the convention to 
>begin a new PAC contribution or to make changes to your current contribution.
><https://www.nfb.org/pac>Complete the PAC form 
>today! Your donation will help the blind live the lives we want.
>Friday, November 5
>2:00 PM to 5:00 PM: Productivity Track
>Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 944 5168 7833 | Password: 63266101
>2:00 PM­App Forum; Chelsey Duranleau, 
>Facilitator: Treasurer, NFBMN Metro Chapter and 
>Technology Instructor, Blindness: Learning in New Dimensions (BLIND), Inc.
>There are more than 2 million apps in the iOS 
>App Store alone, and they can do anything you 
>can imagine
and some things you’ve likely never 
>considered. Come discover your next favorite 
>apps, and share your current favorites with others.
>3:00 PM­Employment Forum; Dan Ashman, Careers 
>Instructor, Blindness: Learning in New Dimensions (BLIND), Inc.
>Especially today, there may be many questions on 
>how to find, obtain, and keep a job, whether 
>that work be remote or in person. Join Dan 
>Ashman for a moderated forum on how you can find 
>your next great career or start a new one, and 
>discuss application documents like résumés and 
>cover letters. Because this session is built 
>around answering questions, participants can join as they’re available.
>2:00 PM to 5:00 PM: Federationism in Action
>Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 937 3981 0026 | Password: 63266101
>2:00 PM­A Seminar at Convention: Discussing and 
>Debating our Philosophy of Blindness
>We know we can live the lives we want. We know 
>that blindness doesn’t have to hold us back. 
>What does that mean for each of us, though, when 
>we encounter discrimination or when people treat 
>us differently. Share your thoughts on blindness 
>in this moderated discussion featuring thought-provoking situations.
>3:00 PM­Understanding the NFB: Our Philosophy 
>and our Purpose; Ron Brown, Second Vice 
>President, National Federation of the Blind
>Perhaps you’re new to the National Federation of 
>the Blind, or perhaps you have burning questions 
>about something you’ve never quite understood. 
>Join Mr. Brown for an open forum discussion of 
>our organization, the philosophy we embody, and what makes us so effective.
>4:00 PM­Resolutions Committee; Jennifer Dunnam, Chairperson
>Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 937 3981 0026 | Password: 63266101
>Resolutions are the policies of our 
>organization, and they help us set priorities 
>for the coming year. Before resolutions are 
>discussed on the convention floor, however, they 
>are considered first by the resolutions 
>committee. This is your opportunity to hear the 
>resolutions as they are first read and listen as the committee discusses them.
>2:00 PM to 5:00 PM: If We Build It, They Will 
>Come: Learn strategies to help your chapter grow and thrive
>Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 971 2568 7679 | Password: 63266101
>2:00 PM­Welcome and Overview
>2:10 PM­Challenge 1; Briley O’Connor, 
>Facilitator, Secretary, NFB of Minnesota
>This small group exercise will help you 
>determine what unique challenges your chapter is facing.
>2:30 PM­Rethinking Chapter Fundraising; Patti 
>Chang, Director of Outreach, National Federation of the Blind
>Chapter fundraisers can be expensive and 
>time-consuming with what feels like a small 
>payoff. How should chapters think about raising and spending money?
>3:00 PM­Start from Square One; Kathryn Webster, 
>Facilitator, National Federation of the Blind Membership Committee Chair
>Hear how current chapter presidents from around 
>the country grew their chapters in both size and 
>membership participation in innovative ways.
>3:35 PM­The Thousand Faces of Leadership; 
>Lisamaria Martinez, Life Coach and Federation Leader
>We all have our own unique skills and strengths. 
>Often, though, we’re not sure what they are or 
>how to fit them into Federation work. Learn what 
>strengths you bring and ways you can help to 
>build the Federation by being yourself.
>4:45 PM­Challenge 2; Briley O’Connor, Facilitator, Secretary, NFB of Minnesota
>This small group activity will help you come up 
>with specific ways you can help your chapter 
>grow and how the affiliate can support your efforts.
>6:00 PM to 7:30 PM: Friday Evening General Session
>Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 985 0105 0062 | Password: 63266101
>    * 6:00 PM­Welcome and Call to Order
>    * 6:05 PM­Convention and Zoom Logistics
>    * 6:10 PM­Sharing the Wind: Life Lessons 
> from an Elite Athlete; Randi Strunk, Member and Two-time Ironman
>    * 6:25 PM­From Donettes to Dollars: A career 
> in vending; Mike Colbrunn, President, Riverbend Chapter
>    * 6:40 PM­From the Zoom Room to the 
> Classroom: College and Life from a Student’s 
> Perspective; Joshua Olukanni, Student, University of Minnesota
>    * 6:55 PM­Fit Break: Kyle Hanneman, Fitness Consultant
>    * 7:00 PM­Beyond the Telephone: Customer 
> Service in 2021; Carey Scouler, Member, Minneapolis
>    * 7:10 PM­Why I am a Federationist; Mark 
> Erickson, Travel Instructor, Blindness Learning In New Dimensions (BLIND) Inc.
>    * 7:20 PM­Family Feud, Federation Style
>    * 7:25 PM­Announcements
>7:30 PM to 10:00 PM: Auction
>Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 985 0105 0062 | Password: 63266101
>Join your Federation family for an evening full 
>of fast, furious bidding on exciting auction 
>items. Get ready to raise those Zoom hands and bring your credit cards!
>Saturday, November 6
>9:00 AM to 12:00 PM: Saturday Morning General Session
>Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 985 0105 0062 | Password: 63266101
>    * 9:00 AM­Welcome and Call to Order
>    * 9:05 AM­Welcome from our Host Chapter; 
> Dave Andrews, President, At Large Chapter
>    * 9:10 AM­Greetings from our National 
> Representative; Ron Brown, Second Vice 
> President, National Federation of the Blind
>    * 9:50 AM­A Report from the Executive 
> Director of BLIND Inc.; Jennifer Kennedy, 
> Executive Director, Blindness Learning In New Dimensions (BLIND) Inc.
>    * 10:20 AM­Hard at Work: Empowering 
> Minnesotans in a Pandemic; Natasha Jerde, 
> Director, State Services for the Blind
>    * 10:35 AM­Q&A
>    * 10:40 AM­Fit Break; Kyle Hanneman, Fitness Consultant
>    * 10:45 AM­Expanding the Circle: Building a 
> Stronger Affiliate through Diversity and 
> Inclusion; Shawn Callaway, Board Member, National Federation of the Blind
>    * 11:00 AM­The Power of Perspective: Seeing 
> Things a Different Way; Logan Stenzel, 
> Treasurer, Minnesota Association of Blind Students
>    * 11:15 AM­Education and Perspective from 
> the Minnesota State Academy for the Blind; John 
> Davis, Director, Minnesota State Academy for the Blind
>    * 11:30 AM­Q&A
>    * 11:35 AM­An Update from the Minnesota 
> Braille and Talking Book Library; Catherine Durivage, Library Program Director
>    * 11:50 AM­Announcements
>    * 12:00 PM­Adjourn
>12:30 PM to 1:30 PM: BLIND, Inc. Virtual Luncheon
>Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 985 0105 0062 | Password: 63266101
>Please join the students and staff of Blindness: 
>Learning in New Dimensions (BLIND), Inc. as we 
>celebrate the progress and accomplishments of 
>our consumer-directed training center rooted in 
>Federation philosophy.  Jennifer Kennedy, Executive Director
>2:00 PM to 3:30 PM: Annual Meeting of the 
>Minnesota Association of Blind Students
>Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 893 7884 5345 | Password: 63266101
>Samantha Flax, President
>2:00 PM to 3:30 PM: Annual Meeting of the 
>National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota Seniors Division
>Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 985 7400 9485 | Password: 63266101
>Judy Sanders, President
>2:00 PM to 3:30 PM: Blind Parents Discussion Group
>Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 910 7040 6286 | Password: 63266101
>Briley O'Connor, Facilitator
>2:00 PM to 3:30 PM: Minnesota Social Chat
>Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 929 1746 7790 | Password: 63266101
>3:30 PM: Break
>3:45 PM to 5:00 PM: Saturday Afternoon General Session
>Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 985 0105 0062 | Password: 63266101
>    * 3:45 PM­Technology Resources for Life and 
> Leisure; Jason Meddaugh, A. T. Guys
>    * 4:00 PM­Q&A
>    * 4:05 PM­Educating Minnesota’s Blind 
> Students­A New Approach to an Old Problem; 
> Casey Robertson, Lead Professor at Louisiana 
> Tech, Professional Development Research 
> Institute on Blindness, Ruston, Louisiana
>    * 4:20 PM­We’ll Tell You What We Want: 
> History and Philosophy Guiding the Future of 
> Overlays; Steve Decker, Member, Maple Grove
>    * 4:35 PM­Senior Retreat: Building the 
> Federation and Teaching One Another; Judy 
> Sanders, President, Senior Division and Marian Solomons, Member, Rochester
>    * 4:55 PM­Announcements
>    * 5:00 PM­Adjourn
>6:30 PM to 10:00 PM: Keynote Address
>Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 985 0105 0062 | Password: 63266101
>    * Invocation
>    * Presentation of Scholarships; Steve Jacobson, Chairperson
>    * Keynote Address: Ron Brown, Second Vice 
> President, National Federation of the Blind
>Sunday, November 7
>9:00 AM to 11:30 AM: Sunday Morning General Session
>Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 985 0105 0062 | Password: 63266101
>    * 9:00 AM­Call to Order
>    * 9:05 AM­Family Feud, Federation Style
>    * 9:10 AM­Blind Students Paving Their Path; 
> Trisha Kulkarni, President, National Association of Blind Students
>    * 9:20 AM­Resolutions; Jennifer Dunnam, Chair, Resolutions Committee
>    * 9:40 AM­Presidential Report; Ryan Strunk, President, NFB of Minnesota
>    * 10:05 AM­Treasurer's Report; Jennifer 
> Dunnam, Treasurer, NFB of Minnesota
>    * 10:20 AM­Discussion of the Proposed 
> Constitutional Amendment Regarding the Semiannual Convention
>    * 10:40 AM­Elections
>    * 11:05 AM­Chapter and Committee Reports
>    * 11:25 AM­External Board and Committee Representative Reports
>    * 11:30 AM­Adjourn
>Special Thanks
>The activities of this organization can only 
>succeed with the help and dedication of many 
>Federationists, and the convention is no 
>exception.  The National Federation of the Blind 
>of Minnesota offers particular thanks to all of 
>the many Federationists who have worked both out 
>in front and behind the scenes to make this convention happen.
>NFB of Minnesota Board of Directors:
>·        Ryan Strunk, Minneapolis (President)
>·        Steve Jacobson, Edina (Vice President)
>·        Briley O’Connor, Minneapolis (Secretary)
>·        Jennifer Dunnam, Saint Louis Park (Treasurer)
>·        Dave Andrews, Stillwater
>·        Cody Beardslee, Minneapolis
>·        Rob Hobson, Minneapolis
>·        Jennifer Wenzel, Bloomington
>·        Jan Bailey, Rochester
>NFB of Minnesota Chapters
>·        At-Large: Dave Andrews, President
>·        Metro: Deanna Langton, President
>·        Riverbend: Mike Colbrunn, President
>·        Rochester: Jan Bailey, President
>·        Twin Ports: Alex Loch, President
>Divisions, Committees, and
>Work Groups
>·        Convention Auction: Charlotte Czarnecki
>·        Convention Door Prizes: Amy Baron, John 
>TeBockhorst, and Tom TeBockhorst
>·        Convention Logistics: Corbb O’Connor
>·        Convention Sound, Recording, and 
>Streaming: Tim Aune and Steve Jacobson
>·        Legal and Policy Committee: Jennifer Dunnam, Chairperson
>·        Membership Committee: Jan Bailey, Chairperson
>·        Minnesota Association of Blind Students: Samantha Flax, President
>·        Minnesota Bulletin: Ryan Strunk, Editor
>·        National Federation of the Blind of 
>Minnesota Seniors’ Division: Judy Sanders, President
>·        Resolutions Committee: Jennifer Dunnam, Chairperson
>·        Scholarship Committee: Steve Jacobson, Chairperson
>·        Social Media: Samantha Flax and Kayde Rieken, Co-chairpersons
>·        Technology Committee: Corbb O’Connor, Chairperson
>Ryan Strunk, President
>Pronouns: he, him, his
>(612) 872-9363
>Live the life you Want.
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