[Mn-parents] Fwd: [Starpoint] Job Position Opening AT Specialist, St. Paul, MN

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sat Apr 7 16:42:49 UTC 2012

>STAR currently has a position opening for an 
>assistive technology specialist. This is a 
>permanent full-time position. Job duties include:
>·         Demonstrate low and high-tech 
>assistive technology to consumers and professionals
>·         Assist in planning statewide assistive 
>technology activities, setting measurable goals, 
>implementing and evaluating activities required by the AT Act, as amended
>To view the full job posting online visit: 
>Kim Moccia
>Minnesota STAR Program |358 COB, 658 Cedar Street | St Paul MN  55155
>651-201-2297 direct dial |kim.moccia at state.mn.us |
>The content of this email message is educational 
>in nature. It should not be assumed that the 
>identification of any product, individual, or 
>agency implies endorsement by the State of 
>Minnesota, STAR, or the U.S Department of Education.
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