[Mn-parents] Minnesota State Academy for the Blind Spring Program - Save The Date!

Steve Jacobson steve.jacobson at visi.com
Mon Apr 9 20:49:22 UTC 2012

The following announcement comes from Ken Trebelhorn, who is a member of the staff at the Minnesota Academy for the blind.

==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE==================
Subject: Save The Date!
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 13:57:08 -0500
From: "Ken Trebelhorn" <ktrebelhorn at msab.state.mn.us>

Save the date!

MSAB's Spring Program, "On the Radio", will be on Thursday, May 10, with
two performances at 1:00 and 7:00 p.m.  "KYDS" is the radio station that
plays the hits while you sing along.  Join our local DJ's, as they play
the oldies, the goodies and all the songs kids have loved throughout the

Watch for more details coming soon.

Ken Trebelhorn

Assistive Technology Specialist



ktrebelhorn at msab.state.mn.us

Minnesota State Academy for the Blind

400 SE 6 AVE

Faribault, MN  55021

www.msab.state.mn.us <http://www.msab.state.mn.us/> 

===================END FORWARDED MESSAGE===================

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