[Mn-parents] Snow Tubing Reminder

Steve Jacobson steve.jacobson at visi.com
Tue Jan 3 19:08:48 UTC 2012

The date of the Snow Tubing event for blind children in grades 7-12 and their parents is fast drawing 
near.  Please contact Charlene Guggisberg by January 6 if you have children who would like to attend this 
event on January 14.  She can be reached at

Charlene Guggisberg:  612-872-0100
cguggisberg at blindinc.org

As a reminder, here is the original announcement pasted below and also included as an attachment:

On Saturday, January14, 2012 from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Blindness Learning in New Dimensions (BLIND 
Incorporated)  in collaboration with the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) of Minnesota will be 
sponsoring a snow tubing activity for blind adolescents.  This age group includes those in seventh 
through twelfth grade.

There will also be a program with hands on learning for their parents which will coincide with this 

Students should arrive at 9:00 a.m. at 100 east 22nd street in Minneapolis.  From there they will be 
transported to the snow tubing facilities.  Following two hours of tubing they will return to BLIND 
Incorporated/NFB headquarters to enjoy a taco in a bag lunch.  There are no costs for those who qualify.

In case of bad weather or any change of plans you will be directly contacted the day prior to the event.  

Please RSVP no later than January 6, 2012 to Charlene Guggisberg at 612-872-0100 ext. 251 or email 
cguggisberg at blindinc.org .  

If you have questions or would like more information please contact Charlene Guggisberg at the above 
information.    Hope to see you and your children there.

Charlene Guggisberg
Coordinator for Youth and Special Programs

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