[Mn-parents] Notice of Semiannual Convention

Steve Jacobson steve.jacobson at visi.com
Wed Apr 17 17:43:25 UTC 2013

TO:  Members and Friends
FROM:  Jennifer Dunnam, President
SUBJECT:  2013 Semiannual Convention and Membership Renewal Notice
DATE:  April 13, 2013

This letter contains information about the 2013 Semiannual convention and about annual renewal of membership in the National 
Federation of the Blind of Minnesota. Our membership year begins on June 1.  Please renew your membership for the coming year by 
returning the enclosed membership renewal slip with your dues even if you will be unable to attend the semiannual convention. 

You are most cordially invited to attend the 2013 semiannual convention, which will take place on Saturday, May 18, 2013 at our 
National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota headquarters building, 100 East 22nd Street in Minneapolis.  See below for advance 
registration, lunch information, and other details.  

On-site registration begins at 9:00 a.m.; doughnuts and coffee will be available.  The convention will come to order at 9:30 a.m., 
and a full session will continue until lunchtime.  During lunch, there will be exhibits and demonstrations for your information and 
enjoyment.  After lunch activities will include gatherings of our divisions (seniors, students, and the Minnesota Association to 
Promote the Use of Braille).  There will also be several participatory small-group sessions at which you can contribute your ideas 
and ask your questions, including a session on using an iPhone.  All activities will be completed by 4:30 at the latest.   More 
details and a schedule of events will be forthcoming. 

In the morning, we will hold our annual election of delegates to our national convention, and we will call for pledges to the 
tenBroek Fund.  Of course, we will hear about the exciting activities of our Federation Center, Blindness: Learning in New 
Dimensions (BLIND), Incorporated, and of our chapters and divisions, which make us the strongest force for positive change in the 
lives of blind Minnesotans, as well as a major state affiliate in a strong nationwide movement.  There will be much more, of 
course, and you can, as always,  count on a full day of interesting and useful information, interaction, and provocative 
discussionall infused with our progressive and positive philosophy of blindness.  

Registration costs $5.00 if you pre-register (the form is enclosedplease send it before May 13) and costs $10.00 if you register 
at the convention.  Drawings for door prizes will take place, and to be eligible to win one of these fabulous prizes, you must 

The Minnesota Association of Blind Students will again offer an academic brown-bag lunch for $7.00.  The lunch helps to raise funds 
for our student division here in Minnesota and includes a sandwich, apple, chips, cookie, and soda.  Make reservations for your 
academic lunch on the enclosed pre-registration form.  If you do not pre-register, please reserve a lunch before May 13 by calling 
612-872-9363 or sending an e-mail to sstarnes at blindinc.org.  Be sure to indicate which type of sandwich you would like, (turkey or 
ham), and whether you would like cheese or not. 

This is the time of year to pay membership duesyou wont want to miss the chance to vote on our policies and in our elections.  
Along with your pre-registration form, you can return the enclosed slip with any needed changes (including your telephone number 
and e-mail address) and $5.00 in the enclosed envelope.  If you did not receive a dues slip with this letter, then your dues are 
already paid to June 1, 2014.

Please join us for the 2013 semiannual convention.  We need your energy and your ideas, and together we will continue to spread the 
truth about blindness and to forge a bright future for blind people of all ages, in our state and everywhere.

(Pre-registration Form is attached)

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