[Mn-parents] Assistive Technology in Public Libraries

Steve Jacobson steve.jacobson at visi.com
Thu Sep 26 19:08:47 UTC 2013

Recently, we were forwarded a large spreadsheet that shows the assistive technology that is available in public libraries 
throughout Minnesota.  This very topic was discussed at the organizing meeting of our Twin Ports chapter last weekend.  In the 
spreadsheet, there is a row for each library and as you move across the row, you will see which kinds of assistive technology that 
library has.  The spreadsheet is sorted by county.  

I can answer questions about the spreadsheet, but obviously questions about specific libraries or equipment must be answered by 
that particular library.

==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE==================
From: "Strong, Richard (DEED)" <richard.strong at state.mn.us>
Subject: FW: Annual Public Libraries Assistive Technology Inventory WITH
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 16:50:56 +0000


From: Hamilton, Chuk (DEED)
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 11:20 AM
To: Strong, Richard (DEED); Benson, Jon (DEED); Lemler, Natasha N (DEED); Hanson, Lindsey A (DEED); Newman, Michael (DEED); 
Kolles, Mary (DEED); Lecher, Edward (DEED); Andrews, David B (DEED)
Subject: FW: Annual Public Libraries Assistive Technology Inventory WITH ATTACHMENT


From: Pomerantz, Bruce (MDE)
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 10:29 AM
To: randy at myoptions.info<mailto:randy at myoptions.info>; kim at accessnorth.net<mailto:kim at accessnorth.net>; 
carar at independentlifestyles.org<mailto:carar at independentlifestyles.org>; natea at freedomrc.org<mailto:natea at freedomrc.org>; 
davidh at mcil-mn.org<mailto:davidh at mcil-mn.org>; Vickidm at semcil.org<mailto:Vickidm at semcil.org>; aaugustin at smilescil.org
<mailto:aaugustin at smilescil.org>; steve at swcil.com<mailto:steve at swcil.com>; vickidm at semcil.org<mailto:vickidm at semcil.org>; 
Willshire, Joan (MSCOD); Durivage, Catherine (MDE); Hamilton, Chuk (DEED); Frykberg, Dru (DEED); Sara.Sundeen at courage.org
<mailto:Sara.Sundeen at courage.org>; Sheri.Steinke at normandale.edu<mailto:Sheri.Steinke at normandale.edu>
Subject: Annual Public Libraries Assistive Technology Inventory WITH ATTACHMENT

Please find attached an inventory of assistive technology available at Minnesota's public libraries as of December 31, 2012.  This 
replaces the previous annual inventory I  provided.

You are welcome to distribute this list to any individuals or organizations that would benefit from knowing where in the community 
adaptive technology is available.  The information in this inventory was compiled from data submitted by public libraries as part 
of their annual reports to State Library Services. The specified items are based on an inventory that the National Library Service 
(NLS) takes of the NLS regional libraries. Please make suggestions of items to add or drop.

I am happy to answer any questions about assistive technology in public libraries.

Bruce Pomerantz, Library Development Specialist
State Library Services - D29
Minnesota Department of Education
1500 Highway 36 W.
Roseville, MN 55113

Phone: 651-582-8890
Email: bruce.pomerantz at state.mn.us<mailto:bruce.pomerantz at state.mn.us>

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