[musictlk] Any music major playing wind instrument? Help needed

Miso Kwak kwakmiso at aol.com
Wed Jan 16 01:52:54 UTC 2013

I would like to know if any of you on the list is performance or music 
education major in college and/or graduate school either currently 
enrolled or recently graduated as wind player.
I recently got accepted to All Southern Honor Band. The band is to 
perform 4 lengthy and complex wind ensemble literature. I am in a quite 
frustrated situation at the moment because the organization has 
released the repertoire but not sheet music for the repertoire yet.
Frenergy by John Estacio
Seal Lullaby by Eric Whitacre
Give Us This Day by David Maslanka
Dragon Rhyme by Chen Yi
Knowing what pieces I will have to learn in a month, I tried to look 
for them on Smart Music software but none of them is on Smart Music 
where I could extract my part as a recording.
I assume that if you are in college/graduate school as wind instrument 
performer you have faced similar situations beforehand so I am looking 
for some advice.
Please e-mail me off list to kwakmiso at aol.com as soon as you can.
I would greatly appreciate your help.
Miso Kwak

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