[musictlk] trouble with rhythm

Kelsey Nicolay piano.girl0299 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 00:22:04 UTC 2015

I have been in choir for a while and also played the piano.  
However, one thing I've always struggled with is rhythm.  I took 
Hadley's Braille music reading course and barely passed the 
lesson dealing with counting in various time signatures.  It was 
pretty embarrassing.  When I took piano and for most of my choral 
experience, I learned by ear and only started using Braille a 
couple years ago.  Could this have something to do with why I 
struggle so much with rhythm? In choir now, I have to ask one of 
my neighbors to literally tap the rhythm for me on my music stand 
just so I can get it.  I cannot independently figure out the 
rhythm in our choir pieces.  There are some others who don't read 
music either, but to me it's embarrassing considering my musical 
background.  Is this an easy thing to overcome or will it take me 
a while to be able to count rhythms? What can I do during 
rehearsal and in between to help with my rhythm skills? Also, for 
anyone who reads Braille music, how do you tell the difference 
between a whole note g and b? They feel the same to me.
Thank you,
Kelsey Nicolay

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