[musictlk] talent show

Linda Mentink mentink at frontiernet.net
Mon Feb 23 03:30:58 UTC 2015

Hi Kelsey,

I think you should go ahead and make your needs known, and see what 
the coordinator says. They probably have never had a blind person 
participate. I hope they let you in, and will accommodate you. Please 
keep us posted.



At 08:19 PM 2/22/2015, you wrote:
>I found a talent show held at my county fair.  It is a competition, 
>but the prizes are cash prizes as opposed to formal recording 
>contracts or anything of that nature.  I think it would be a great 
>way to gain more performance experience and possibly conquer my fear 
>of stage fright.  However, on the website it states that no onstage 
>help is allowed unless it's for a small child.  Would this mean that 
>I would not be able to have a guide to help me on and off stage? 
>Every talent show (including Ashland Idol) I've been in, they've 
>always had someone there to help me on and off stage.  Would this be 
>a reasonable accommodation to allow me to participate? Going through 
>the route ahead of time really wouldn't be feasible since nothing 
>will be set up until the night of.  And for things like this, I've 
>found it easier just to go sighted guide.  Also, the contestants 
>have to complete a biography the night of the show.  Would it be 
>unreasonable to request an electronic sheet I could fill out ahead 
>of time and just bring it with me or email it to the person so 
>everyone participating does not ovherear what I'm telling someone 
>else to write? Even if they could not give me an electronic copy but 
>could send me a print one ahead of time and I could fill it out at 
>home with someone, that would work too.  What do you think? Are the 
>accommodations I listed reasonable in this situation? I plan to 
>email the coordinator soon, but I don't want to request something 
>that would not be a reasonable request and waste their time.  Any 
>feedback would be greatly appreciated.
>Thank you,
>Kelsey Nicolay

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