[MusicTlk] Introducing myself and looking for resources for violin, flute, and piano

Jamie Prater jdprater at bellsouth.net
Mon Jun 25 15:27:11 UTC 2018

Hi, I am trying to learn the flute, violin, and piano on my own.  I have had
piano and voice lessons in high school and after, and I took flute lessons
for a short time but lost both my teachers I had when they finished school
in my college town.  I have some Bill Brown material I got from nls, but I
was wondering about other resources to learn not only about piano chords but
how to use them, how to relearn what I forgot on the flute, and most of all,
how to hold and finger the violin.  I am trying to take advantage of youtube
materials as well and like I said, I am doing what I can with braille music
when I can get it but need to refresh and learn a few violin braille music
signs and flute fingering refreshing and as far as piano goes, I can pick
out some melodies but do not have perfect pitch but have tried to expand my
chord usage.  I can read music and know more theory than I can actually play
and at one time, I wanted to become a music teacher but that fell through.
I love music of all kinds and am hungry to dust off what I used to know and
add to my knowledge and make music for most of all, me and the Lord and
maybe a small group of friends and hopefully eventually perform for church.
I am an adult learner and this is a bit harder than when I picked up all
other knowledge in my teens and early twenties.  Any advice would be
appreciated since I am at such an interesting place, in some ways a beginner
and in some things I know just enough to be dangerous, lol, and not
everything that nls has is or will be on bard so this makes it hard to
memorize music although I used nls material to teach myself to read music
and I started piano lessons at fifteen and went through half of book one at
my first lesson.  I unfortunately can't afford lessons on any of the
instruments I have as I don't work and my income is very, very tight.  Is
nls the only source for music to download or borrow or purchase cheaply?  I
am out of the loop but I do know there used to be APH, NBA, and Opus
Technology that produced music for purchase.  Thanks for taking time to read
my rambles and have a blessed day.

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