[MusicTlk] Fwd: [Perform-Talk] Any church music directors out there?

David Andrews dandrews920 at comcast.net
Sun Nov 27 22:20:22 UTC 2022

>A church I attend is looking for a new music director, and I'm on the search
>committee. We're currently in the process of drafting the job description,
>using a previous job description as a template. The old description said
>that vision would be needed for reading music. I'm wondering whether there
>are any current or former blind music directors in this group, and if so, if
>they'd be willing to talk with me about how they do/did the job. The church
>wants someone who will bring in music from diverse traditions and conduct
>the choir, which is usually b pick-up choir because people have limited
>time. I would really appreciate any guidance!

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