[nabentre] Real Estate investing

Brandon Keith Biggs brandonkeithbiggs at gmail.com
Mon Apr 21 16:12:03 UTC 2014

I have been researching real estate investing and I am wondering what 
people's experiences have been when buying a house?
Everyone says to observe and trust your instincts on every investment if 
the numbers work. The problem is that I can't see the neighborhood, I 
can't see if there are stains everywhere, I can't see if the banisters 
Is this when sighted partners are a must-have? I can see potential in 
the interior as well as some general landscaping, but nothing to the 
extent the good real estate investors see. I know much of it is just 
experience, so I would like to know if other people have baught 
investment properties and how they trust their instincts?

Brandon Keith Biggs

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