[nabentre] Goto Meeting and meetings with Contracted companies?

Brandon Keith Biggs brandonkeithbiggs at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 04:00:03 UTC 2015

My payroll company would like to do a training with me and they use Goto 
I downloaded Goto and instantly uninstalled it because along with coming 
with a ton of bloatware, it was almost completely inaccessible.
Does anyone know if there is a way to use Goto meeting with a screen reader?

I managed to do one meeting over the phone because I just had some 
questions and the person was able to answer them, but I have another 
coming up and this training will be a little more involved. I told the 
payroll company Goto was not accessible and suggested they use Google 
Hangouts which, I believe, has the same functionality, but I am 
wondering if I can use Goto in any way?
The first lady asked me if she could talk with my IT guy and was kind of 
thrown through a loop when I told her she was and I could tell her 
exactly what was going on with the application and there was no way to 
fix it without Goto getting involved.
I am not quite sure what happens if I refuse to use Goto meeting with 
them. I probably will just cancel that service (It is just timekeeping) 
and figure out something else. But their web app is totally accessible, 
so I would be sad if such a silly thing blocks me from using them!
Has anyone else had similar problems? How did you handle it?

Brandon Keith Biggs <http://www.brandonkeithbiggs.com/>

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