[nabentre] ideas for work that blind people can successfully do from home

Leslie Fairall fairall at panix.com
Mon Feb 19 02:09:53 UTC 2018

Hi Dan:

You have some limitations due to not having a college degree. However, 
that doesn't mean that you can't make a living as a blind person. One 
thing that you shouldn't do when you are starting out is limit yourself. 
Sometimes we have to do jobs that are not our favorite just to get our 
foot in the door and make some money. My first job was a receptionist 
where I was over qualified since I had a college degree. I lasted four 
years until I decided to go to graduate school and get my Master's degree 
in rehabilitation counseling. The receptionist job was boring, but it gave 
me work experience and a chance to figure out what I wanted to do. There 
is one thing to keep in mind that some people starting out forget. Your 
first job will most likely not be your dream job. It might take getting a 
Bachelor's or other advanced degree. It also takes paying your dues and 
working hard at whatever job you get, whether it's from a traditional 
employer or working for yourself.

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