[nabentre] Illegal Pyramids and Myth Busting

Leslie Fairall fairall at panix.com
Mon Feb 19 16:06:26 UTC 2018

Hi Dan:

I think you would benefit from speaking with a rehabilitation counselor. 
You will need to decide on and pursue a specific vocational goal before 
any equipment can be purchased.

I know some blind people may not like this statement, but I will politely 
repeat it. The purpose of vocational rehabilitation is to assist persons 
with disabilities with obtaining and/or maintaining employment. Therefore, 
any equipment must be used for that purpose. I have heard over the years 
that equipment should be purchased just to enhance a person's quality of 
life. However, when you request the government (whether state or federal) 
to purchase equipment or pay for training, the reason must align with the 
program goals.

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