[nabentre] Appropriate Messages

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sat Sep 1 20:29:13 UTC 2018

The pros and cons of MLM's have been debated many times, on this 
list, over the years, so let's not get into it once again. No one's 
mind is changed.  They work for some, and they don't work for others. 
Let's leave it at that.

Personal attacks are not allowed on our lists, and this has fast 
become personal. It is not permissible to say to someone it didn't 
work for him because he was lazy, or whatever. Likewise it is not 
appropriate to say someone is a looser or whatever, because he is 
involved with MLM's.

If this continues, I will summarily remove people. If you have an 
opportunity, it is appropriate to let us know about it, information 
only, and leave it at that. Likewise, if you are not interested, 
delete the message, don't say this is .... etc.

David Andrews, List Owner

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