[nabop] office work

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Thu Jun 28 21:29:38 UTC 2012

Hi all,
This list is soo dead. I’m a young adult who graduated college in 2009; I have a BA from Marymount university with a major in psychology and communication. I was in the liberal studies program.  I’m trying to figure out what job I want to do.

I’m planning to volunteer in an office for experience. If you did reception work, how did you handle the phone? I know you get training as to what to say and when to place them on hold. But, how did you handle transfering people? Did you list extentions in braille, memorize them or what? How did you write down the messages and get them to the appropriate person? How do you handle papers where they have to sign in? Did you find it necessary to label any of the phone buttons? 

Thanks for any ideas.

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