[nabop] Keeping Track of Office Staff

Diaz, Kristen - EBSA Diaz.Kristen at dol.gov
Wed Jun 18 12:49:36 UTC 2014

My second question is whether it is polite to say hello to or at least smile at a person every time they walk by or whether that would seem like too much to a sighted person. I say hello to the people entering and exiting the office both to be polite and to find out from their voices who is going by, so that I can keep loose track of who is in and who is out at any given time. But I am unsure if the staff might think that is strange. Thank you--Kristen

Kristen Diaz
Administrative Assistant
US Department of Labor
Employee Benefits Security Administration
The Curtis Center, Suite 870 West
170 South Independence MallWest
Philadelphia, PA 19106
P: 215-861-5300
F: 215-861-5347
Diaz.kristen at dol.gov

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