[nabop] urgent message to all board members who are current officers.

Lisa Hall lhall007 at cinci.rr.com
Mon Jun 27 23:50:03 UTC 2016

Hi everyone,

I am rushing to update my officers list as of right now. I discovered 
that there are a couple of people I do not have current information in 
my officers file.

I dug up the announcement that was in the braille monitor of November 
2014. If any officer(s) have changed any contact information such as 
address, phone number whether cell or home, and email addresses, send 
them to me ASAP before tomorrow evening June 28, 2016. Thank you for 
your attention in this matter.

Here is what was published in the Braille Monitor of November 2014.

 The National Association of Blind Office Professionals (NABOP) is 
pleased to announce the following officers for 2014-2016 term: 
president, Lisa Hall (OH); vice president, Nancy Coffman (NE); 
secretary: Joanne Jordan (VA); and treasurer, Debbie Brown (MD).

Anyone wishing to learn more about our division can contact Lisa Hall 
at 7001 Hamilton Avenue, Unit 2, Cincinnati, Ohio 45231-5262; or call 
(513) 931-7070 or cell (513) 550-5155; or email at 
<lhall007 at cinci.rr.com>. To become a member send $5 to Debbie Brown, 
11923 Parklawn Drive, Apartment 104, Rockville, MD 20852; or contact 
her by phone at (301) 881-1892; or by email at <dabro at loc.gov>.

The last meeting we had at our 2014 convention was great. All 
participants at our meeting learned what was new in technology and 
training opportunities. We hope to see everyone next year in Orlando, 
Florida, in July 2015.

Lisa Hall

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